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How do you prepare to go back to your previous life?

How do you prepare to go back to your previous life?

Firstly, make sure you have no regrets before you go back to your home country. That is, be sure you have visited all the places you wanted to, done all the activities you wanted to do. That is, be sure you have visited all the places you wanted to, done all the activities you wanted to do.

Remember that if you wish, you can always ask EF staff to extend your stay by a few weeks.

One thing that can make leaving easier, is to make sure you have all the numbers/contacts of the people you want to stay in touch with when you return.

If you are a bit apprehensive about going home, you can prepare a to-do list. Remember that depending on the country you are returning from, there may be a time difference. Stay in touch with your friends and try to set a date for a reunion together in the future.

As soon as you return, don’t stay isolated and get ready to meet people. Have a plan for the future, plan to work or study. If you plan sensibly for your return, you can reduce the stress of your return.

You can find out if some of the products you tried in your visiting country are available in your home country. Take home memories, pictures, decorative items, etc.

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This blog article has been written by Coralie Marquis. You can find all her articles here.